Best Nearby, Food, Coffee, Nightlife, Arts, Shopping, and Sights

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Chef Cartoon ImageOne of the best things about the RV lifestyle is dining and shopping local wherever our travels take us.

RVer Mike M offers this tip:

My wife and I are planning a visit to Galveston Island in the next few weeks. We enjoy dining out and early evening seeing the sights and entertainment. The last few weeks I have attempted to gather suggestions for places to eat and things with recommendations from the locals and those which visited the area. My search was successful when I remembered a site I would use to rate restaurants in my area. The site is It is a very simple site, you enter what you’re looking for and the city you want to search. As a member you can rate and provide comments on various subjects, you’re not limited to restaurants.

I find it very helpful and hope you find it beneficial.

Editors Note: You may also want to try which provides much the same information but may offer alternatives.

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