As reported last month, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is currently developing new requirements that could have had huge implications for RVers with diesel motorhomes visiting California. Following action by the RV Industry Association and our partners, CARB has amended its regulatory proposal on the heavy-duty inspection and maintenance program to exempt diesel motorhomes registered in states other than California, so long as they are being used for non-commercial uses.
This action followed the receipt of a letter from the RV Industry Association, the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC), and the CampCalNOW RV Park and Campground Alliance.
“This is a huge victory for diesel motorhome owners in the other 49 states who wish to visit California in their motorhome,” said RV Industry Association Director of Government Affairs Mike Ochs. “The original proposal would have only allowed a three-day pass before out-of-state diesel motorhome owners would have had to get a smog check done on their vehicle once they arrived in California. We were able to successfully explain why a three-day pass would be insufficient and unworkable for owners of diesel motorhomes visiting California, and CARB agreed.”
The California RV Dealers Association also submitted a letter that supported the comments of the three other associations in voicing deep concern over the proposal.
California-registered diesel motorhomes will be required to submit annual periodic emissions testing data. They must demonstrate compliance by submitting a passing applicable periodic test within 90 days of the end of a vehicle’s compliance year, likely in conjunction with their registration renewal. This should not be burdensome to California motorhome owners, as it will mirror to a great degree the “smog check” they already must pass with their light-duty cars and trucks. Even this is a small victory, as most diesel trucks and other vehicles besides motorhomes will have to show compliance quarterly.
The full regulatory proposal is likely to be sent to the full Board near the end of this year, with an anticipated effective date in 2023.
RV Destination: California’s Mojave National Preserve

California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Division 3, Chapter 1, Article 4.5, section 2025(c)(10) and (12).
(c) Exemptions
This regulation does not apply to:
(10) Motor homes for non-commercial private use;
Is this information not current?? Granted the Regulations are intricate and detailed, this seems pretty clear.