Full-Time RVing Lessons Learned

Full-Time RVing Lessons Learned
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Last updated on December 9th, 2021 at 05:25 pm

Full-time RVing makes a recreational vehicle your primary house and uses the RV to travel. It is a lifestyle that attracts people who embrace change and meet even simple tasks like finding a laundromat, grocery store, or post office with a sense of adventure.

Full-time RVing can require a great deal of flexibility, but the lifestyle is affordable and leads to experiences you’ve probably never even imagined. It’s not for everyone, but don’t let fears hold you back.

Full-Time RVing lessons learned

Below, in no particular order, are some of the essential lessons we and fellow full-time RVers have learned. 

  • The full-time RVing lifestyle is affordable and leads to adventures you’ve probably never even imagined. It’s not for everyone, but don’t let fears hold you back.
  • Full-time RVing means freedom. RVers have so many choices that people in stick-bound houses do not have. For example, if you don’t like the area, you can move. If you are near a barking dog or the weather turns cold -or hot- move to a new place. You can leave a job if things get bad.
  • Make your dreams come true. Is going to Alaska on your bucket list, but you can’t afford it? What if you take your time getting there and work along the way.  Once you get there, find more work.  I know a couple who fell in love with Alaska. They found jobs they enjoyed and stayed for several years.
  • Everyone does it differently. Everyone is different, so there is no ‘typical’ full-time RVer profile. You can learn from other full-timers, and you should, but don’t let how others live the lifestyle unduly influence your choices.
  • Slow down. When you first begin full-time RV travel, it is tempting to see it all. That usually means moving every day or two and traveling many miles to get from one place to another.
  • Stay a while in one place. This tip goes along with the previous one. It is a more relaxing pace, and you get time to get to know the area and see things. If you are visiting a national park, you can get an overview the first day, but come back and do a hike or two or visit an outlying area in the park.
  • You can live more cheaply. As a full-time RVer, you have much more control of your budget, especially if you own your RV outright and have no debt. You can boondock on public lands in the West at no charge. You need less “stuff,” including clothes. Will you ever wear that business suit? Casual shirts and jeans or shorts are the usual uniforms. Again, it’s about choice.
  • You can support yourself on the road. There are so many jobs for RVers; you can always find something to supplement income or provide a free or low-cost site while in the area. These days, many RVers are using the internet to earn money, but traditional jobs are still available. See: Workers On Wheels: Work for RVers and Campers
  • Visiting family and friends is more fun. Your hosts may offer you the guest room, but you can politely explain that you have everything you need in the RV, including a real bed, and would have to pack a suitcase to accept their offer.  And you won’t wake anyone when you go for your late-night snack. Since you are bringing your own house, you have your own space when you want and need it. And extended stays are more practical.

You may be interested in these links

Steven Fletcher’s Full Time RVer Aptitude Test
Planning to Fulltime RV? Just Do It!
Ten Steps to a Fulltime RVing Lifestyle
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One Response to "Full-Time RVing Lessons Learned"

  1. You don’t know what stuck is until you’ve been stuck in an RV. A towing endorsement on your insurance policy is usually very cheap but check the exclusions to be sure it includes both your RV and any towed vehicles.

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