Escapees RV Club Lowers Annual Dues

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Escapees RV Club LogoFor more than 35 years, Escapees RV Club has guided and assisted RVers through education, social support, and specialty services. It builds confidence in those just venturing out and creates everlasting bonds among the most seasoned RVers. It encourages fellow RVers to share their talents and their wisdom-paying it forward as we go.

Fran & I have been Escapees members since the very beginning of our RV adventures back in 1997 ( Wow, that’s 17 years!). We have always believed in the benefits of being a member even though we have not always taken full advantage of it. Now, with the reduction of membership fees there is more incentive to join or renew.

Escapees memberships are now just $29.95, plus no enrollment fees! Renew/join now or share this news with a friend. If you do join or renew please let them know we sent you… Steven and Frances Fletcher, Member #45814.


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5 Responses to "Escapees RV Club Lowers Annual Dues"

  1. I read your post about new fees – but after checking out Escapees site and calling them they said it was $39.95 which included enrollment. Do you have a better way to get the special mentioned?

  2. Allen & Lucinda Meyer · Edit

    I would like to join Escapee RV Club and take advantage of the 29.95 fee and also Join the mail benefit. Can you direct me.

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