Last updated on April 27th, 2009 at 07:03 pm
RVer and work camper David Carter offers today’s RV tip.
We find work camping VERY beneficial for us and the Campground owners. We have made some lasting friendships with the people we have met while we work camped.
As for our benefits we are able to stay in an area we choose to explore extensively at a very reasonable cost or even no expense to us. If there is an area we are interested in, we pick a city or location centrally located so that all we want to explore is just a short drive in our toad. For longer drives we usually book a cheap hotel room and spend a night or two. It’s actually cheaper and easier than unhooking and moving our “Tin-can-dominium”. Additionally there is no space rent to pay when you leave your RV parked where you work camp. The hotel stays are a nice change too. It can be a romantic get away, especially if you splurge to get a spa tub in the room!
Another advantage of work camping in an area you want to explore is you have the time to leisurely experience the locals and get to know “their way of life and viewpoints”. We like to locate the locals favorite diner/eatery, frequent it regularly and within the first week or two develop some valuable friendships.
We have been invited to go fishing, hunting, bowling, horseback riding, to county fairs, museum functions, para-sailing, to their lake cottages, cocktail parties, family BBQs, nature hikes …you name it. Our list is endless of what we have been invited to do and have done, that only the locals know about.
Read David’s Practical Advice for RVers Considering Work Camping
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