RV Tip of the Day

Tiffin Makes Change to Factory Service Policy

Tiffin Zephyr Motorhome

Tiffin Zephyr Motorhome


Tiffin Motorhomes has advised RV owners of a change to its factory service policy that prohibits work on motorhomes older than four years, according to RV Daily Report.

The new policy will go into effect April 3.

In an email to RV owners, Tiffin advised owners of changes being made for factory service effective April 3. The new policy indicates that service is available on “eligible coaches” on a first-come, first-served basis from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day the center is open.

The service staff will assess needed repairs and coaches as follows:

•Regular service will be performed only on Tiffin motorhomes that are within four years of the original purchase date.
•Any Tiffin motorhome may go through express bay service that requires repair by two service technicians working a maximum of three hours.
•If repairs exceed three hours, the staff will prioritize repairs for the first express bay visit, then owners can bring the unit back 60 days later to have additional work done.

The company expects most non-warrranteed service to be completed in one express bay visit.

“A few years back Tiffin stopped setting up appointments for service for other than coaches under warranty,” wrote RVtravel.com reader John Pereira. “It became a first come first serve system. But, you were still able to have your Tiffin RV repaired at Tiffin no matter what year of manufacture and no matter what the issue.”

Tiffin customers who need to find the date their RV was first purchased — which is especially important for RV owners who bought a pre-owned motorhome — can call the Tiffin service center at (256) 356-0261 or email service@tiffinmotorhomes.com .


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