RV Tip of the Day

Yellowstone Park North Entrance Improvements

Congestion due to high visitor volumes at the Yellowstone North Entrance station often backs up outside of the park.

Congestion due to high visitor volumes at the Yellowstone North Entrance station often backs up outside of the park.


The current Yellowstone North Entrance Station at Gardiner, Montana is the only entrance open year-round to wheeled vehicles and is not equipped to meet the challenges of increasing visitation and traffic, according to park staff. In 2018, 365,397 vehicles came through this entrance, up 22 percent from 2013.

Yellowstone Park North Entrance Project Description

The purpose of the Project is to improve traffic circulation and parking, manage congestion, and improve safety in the project area which encompasses the North Entrance Station, Park Street, Gardiner Transportation Center, and the Roosevelt Arch.

At times the congestion due to high visitor volumes at the North Entrance station backs up out of the park causing gridlock on local streets.

North Entrance Project Objectives

  • Add an additional lane and kiosk to improve traffic flow and reduce queuing lines
  • Replace the existing two buildings with one larger building/station and two kiosks
  • Improve the flow of employee and delivery traffic from Robert Reamer Avenue
  • Improve pedestrian safety by realigning parking along Robert Reamer Avenue
  • Replace the waterline along Robert Reamer Avenue

The project is scheduled to get underway in 2020 and is expected to take two years to complete.

Additional Yellowstone Projects

Tower Fall to Chittenden Road

This 6-mile road segment remains largely unchanged since the improvements made in the 1930s.

This construction project will widen the road and provide additional/improved pullouts; create a larger, safer parking area at Tower Fall General Store; and improve the trail and overlook for Tower Fall. To fund this project, the park received a grant through the Nationally Significant Federal Lands Program and will match it with fee dollars collected in the park.

The road between Tower Fall and Chittenden Road will be completely closed until April 2022. Specific areas on each side of this closure will be open for select time periods. Check the Road Construction webpage for details about access to Mount Washburn, Tower Fall, the Tower General Store, and Tower Fall Campground.

Fishing Bridge to Indian Pond

Along this section of road, an earthen causeway has been in place since 1902 limiting Pelican Creek’s ability to flow naturally. Construction in 2020 will replace the Pelican Creek bridge and causeway with a viaduct to allow the wetland and creek to flow freely again. Crews will also put the finishing touches on work that started in 2018 to improve the deck, piers, and abutment of Fishing Bridge; add turn lanes to the facilities at Fishing Bridge; construct a larger, improved parking area to the east of the General Store; and widen the road and add/improve pullouts. Funding for this project comes from the Federal Highways Administration. This project will be completed in 2020.

Tips for Visiting National Parks

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