Dicor Products has introduced an easy way for RV owners and dealers to look up replacement parts for motorhome wheel covers and wheel simulators.
A special “Wheel Finder” page at www.dicorproducts.com enables visitors to plug in relevant chassis and cover/simulator information to obtain part numbers and data regarding matching parts for their particular wheels.
Even if the visitors know nothing about the kind of wheel decoration they have, the wheel finder guides the viewer through a brief sequence of steps to obtain part information based on the particular chassis and wheel products used for motor homes going back to 1992. These products include Dicor’s FastLiner and Versa Liner® wheel simulators along with standard wheel covers.
“This is another resource we’re making available for dealers and RVers to facilitate motorhome wheel maintenance and upgrades,” said Dave Majewski, Dicor Products vice president of aftermarket sales and marketing. “It puts the databook on these parts going back more than 20 years into everyone’s hands so there’s no question about the right part.”
“This is part of an ongoing commitment we have made to provide easily accessible aftermarket resources for consumers and dealers,” Majewski continued. “A wealth of how-to videos, articles and product information regarding RV care and maintenance are all centrally located on our Dicor Products site.”