This tip comes for fellow RVer Poley:
Recently the problem I had with my TracVision Dome for satellite TV reception was corrected. It took eleven months to get this done. Far, far to long to say the least.
The problem could easily have been corrected in a much shorter time.
It appears that anyone who sells TracVision equipment is considered a authorized Dealer. These Dealers are authorized to sell and repair that equipment.
Not all of their techs know that equipment. Techs may be able to install, like running and attaching coax, plugging the components in. But do they know how to trouble shoot and repair it? When I go in the garage where I park my car does not make me a car!
I found out the techs do not know everything about the equipment they work on.
One small piece of equipment is required to successful operate two TV receivers with the TracVision Dome. It is called a Destacker. The Destacker is not sold with the Dome and it’s electrical component. It is considered an accessory.
The Dealer was not aware of this and the previous techs who worked on my problem did not know this.
A lot of time and money were spent to correct a problem that should never have existed!

That’s it? No details? Thanks for nothing!