10. Establish a budget prior to starting your search so you’ll have a clear price range in mind. Be realistic. Don’t forget to factor in fuel and insurance costs. New Class A motor homes can range between $75,000 to over a million dollars, so it’s important to know your personal financial limits.
9. Identify your family’s personal space and activity needs and find an RV type that can accommodate these. Virtually all RVs have multiple floor plans available which help customize the RV to sleep as little as 2 to as many as 8. Consider if you would like to tow your RV with a truck or other vehicle, or if you would like a motorized RV such as a motor home. Many RVers who drive motor homes bring a smaller vehicle in tow.
8. Look online to find RVs for sale from dealerships and private parties near you. A lower price could be worth the drive. When you search at an online classifieds site, broaden your zip code search to include an area farther out than you think you might drive. A lot of RV dealerships offer special packages which fly you out to buy the RV and then you can drive it home.
7. Research NADA values to make sure you are being offered a fare price. Nada Guides is the most commonly suggested RV pricing guide, but pricing varies widely depending on the extra features the RV has included.
6. Inspect all the nooks and crannies of a potential RV to ensure its quality and cleanliness. The little things could become real headaches later. Most new RVs are covered by factory warranty the first year. But watch out for details in your warranty such as the requirement that you return the RV to the manufacturing plant for fixes.
5. Use a reputable escrow firm to exchange goods between you and the seller to avoid scams. RV Search recommends Escrow.com to help prevent fraud and insure a smooth transaction.
4. Consider renting an RV similar to the type you would like to buy and take it on a short trip. Then you can truly see how it meets your family’s needs. Cruise America, Freedom Roads, and El Monte RV Rentals are three great places to start your rental search.
3. Find out if the vehicle comes with a warranty and if so, what it covers and for how long. This can be a real money-saver on unexpected repairs. If not, consider purchasing an extended warranty such as Continued Service Plan by The Good Sam Club.
2. If more than one dealer in your area has the RV you want, get price quotes from all of them. The more they compete for your business, the lower the final price you pay. Just like buying a car, don’t be afraid to haggle the price.
1. Find a trusted, qualified RV mechanic to check the vehicle over before you buy it. You don’t want to find out after the fact that it needs major repairs.
Shop for a new RV at http://www.rvSearch.com, where you’ll find over 30,000 RVs for sale. Article courtesy of RV Search. Written by Christina Bullock.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_Bullock