Last updated on April 27th, 2009 at 06:56 pm
Finding a satisfactory way to get your mail while RVing may be perplexing at first but it can be worked out in a way that suits your RV lifestyle. Here are some thing to consider:
- If you make short trips in your RV and return to a house without wheels (HWW) ‘back home’ you might be able to let the mail be delivered as usual to your home and have a friend or neighbor collect it, package it and then send it to you. But depending on how long your trips are and how many trips you take, having a friend or relative pick up the mail from your home or P.O.Box and hold it until you send for it may put a strain on your helper’s busy life.
- Clubs like the Escapees RV Club and Family Motor Coach Association offer mail forwarding for for their members although their services are better suited to full time RVers. Most club members who use the services are very happy them.
Check the Escapee Club Website for their Mail Service information. They personalize your service to fit your every need. And, if you full time, your address there can be your permanent address. Only problem here is if you stop or base out of somewhere else for longer periods of time you still have a short wait to get your mail.
The Family Motor Coach Association Mailing Service is detailed here. You must own a motor home to be a member of FMCA.
- Contract with a commercial mail forwarding service in your home base area. They seem to be blooming almost everywhere. Some are franchises, some are connected with delivery services (UPS, FedEx, etc.) and some are mom/pop type businesses combined with gift shops, book stores, packaging/shipping stores, etc. You can use their street address for your permanent address and rent a box, called a Personal Mail Box (PMB), (NOT a post office box) and perhaps a suite number or letter if it is located in a strip mall.
- All mail forwarding services operate basically the same, it’s the details that separate the good ones out. Go beyond the basics and price when asking questions. Some things to consider are:
- How long has the service been in business. Does the company look prosperous. You will have to change your address if the company goes out of business.
- Ways to communicate with the service. 800 phone number. email. Will you be contacting the person responsible for forwarding the mail or just a clerk.
- Hours. When can you call, anytime during business hours or specific times.
- How soon can they forward your mail once you call. A prompt mailing means you won’t have to wait long for your mail.
You may want to read Getting Your Mail While Full Time RVing at RVbasics.com

Another way is to have the P.O. hold your mail until you get back (if less than 30 days) or have them hold and forward to you. We use the first way several times a year. I see ads for the forwarding part at the P.O. but have not used it.