- Have a partner that you get along with … well. That is love, care about their well-being, enjoy mutual activities and can tolerate their idiosyncrasies.
- Join the Escapees Club, or club(s) of your choice, and/or an online forum to get a feel for what it’s all about.
- Decide how much you want to travel versus how much you want to spend weeks or months in one place.
- Find the RV you like and think you can spend a lot of time in.
- Try a couple weeks, then a month or so of living/traveling/camping in your RV before you sell your stick house and dump your lifetime accumulation of possessions.
- Find a place for your ‘base’ … a town with relatives/friends/health care connections, etc. Choose a mail service to receive all your mail/packages and hold them or forward them as directed by you when you have an address. Of course they charge but it is a time consuming service. Friends/relatives may offer but it gets old soon.
- Choose a cellular phone service. Disconnect your landline service. Make sure your computer is updated and has WiFi.
- Sort and eliminate stuff you have collected over the years. At least 75% of it. Do NOT rent a storage unit …after a year or so you won’t even remember what’s in it. If you want to remember some stuff… photograph it and put it on the screen saver or roll-over of your computer.
- Have an estate sale. Donate what isn’t sold to a charity thrift store. Sell your stick house.
- Tell your friends and relatives that you love them, you will miss them, you will communicate by phone, computer, skype or snail mail. Tell them you will send them photos and travel logs about the good times you are having and things you are seeing. Tell them to please step back because you’d hate to run over their feet with your RV. Then head down the road to the freedom of a new-to-you lifestyle.
If you get through the first five steps successfully it’s time to get serious.
Take the Full Time RVer Aptitude Test It’s mostly just for fun but it will help you decide if full time RVing is right for you.
Live Your Road Trip Dream: Travel for a Year for the Cost of Staying Home Have you always dreamed of taking an extended long trip but didn’t know how to make it happen? Have you thought “if only I knew where to start” the planning process? “Live Your Road Trip Dream: Travel for a year for the cost of staying home” (Second Edition) will take you from “dreaming” to “living” your perfect road trip dream.
Support Your RV Lifestyle! An Insider’s Guide to Working on the Road, 2nd Edition gives you tips, tools and resources to live where you want, when you want. With key points on topics like writing an RV resume, networking, and how to negotiate for better compensation, it is the ultimate handbook for those who are thinking about working or volunteering as they travel in their RV.
RV Living in the 21st Century: The Essential Reference Guide for ALL RVers For anyone considering or experiencing the RV lifestyle, this book is a wide-ranging tour of things you need to know. Peggi McDonald, a Canadian with extensive (20 years on the road) RV knowledge; been there, done that. She shares the kind of information and advice that enable people to build their competence and confidence as part-time or full-time RVers. Fran and I are proud to have Peggi as our friend.
Let RV Freedom Now guide you through those all-important decisions so that when you drive off into your new life on the road. You’ll do so knowing that you did everything right. It could take you years and countless hassles to figure out the right combinations to make your new full time RVing lifestyle as joyous and stress-free as dreamed it would be.
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