Last updated on April 27th, 2009 at 07:02 pm
Typical RV insurance policies are not written with the fulltime RVer in mind. However, there are special policies just for full time RVers that cover contingencies usually covered by one’s homeowner policy.
If you are a full time RVer you do not have a homeowner policy to fall back on so you will certainly want to have a good property damage rider on your RV insurance policy. Since fulltime Rvers usually carry more stuff it’s even more important to know the limit of the property damage rider compared to the value of the personal property aboard the RV.
The amount of personal property damage coverage in a RV insurance policy is very small and may not cover all of your valuables and other possessions in the case of a major accident. Especially in today’s modern RVs with computers, plasma TVs etc. Don’t forget to include in you estimate of value things such as hobby tools you my have aboard …golf equipment, wood carving tools, metal detectors, photography equipment, musical instruments, fishing poles, tennis rackets, lawn furniture, barbecues …it all adds up when you need to replace it.
If you carry a lot of expensive things with you as you travel, you may need to increase your personal property insurance coverage to an amount that will replace them should they be destroyed. Often times increasing this kind of coverage is not very expensive, so check to see what is offered.
As with any personal property insurance, a well documented inventory of your possessions is best way to get fully compensated for any losses when you make a claim.
Are you paying too much for your RV Insurance? Click here for a free quote from Good Sam VIP