RV Travel & Minor League Baseball

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Did you know there are thousands of people who travel around the country visiting minor league ball parks and attending games? Many of them are RVers.

I’d never thought about it until I got an email from Bob Carson who publishes a Guide to Minor League Ball Parks along with a newsletter called Minor Trips.

While Bob is not an RVer, he told me many of his subscribers are and that RV travel and baseball are a perfect combination.

Minor Trips is an annual publication geared toward travelers and sports fans alike to help them find minor league baseball action while vacationing.

The guide – in its 17th year with over 4,000 subscribers – features information on all the minor league teams in the United States and Canada, and is arranged by state.

Each year, the book is updated to include current schedules and information. In addition, those who order the guide will receive Bob’s off-season newsletter which includes tips, trivia, updates, feedback and more.

Visit Bob’s website for more info and to order the Minor Trips Guide.

You may also want to read Bob’s article in the RVbasics.com Lifestyle Section

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