Last updated on April 27th, 2009 at 06:55 pm
- Have an RV with in-floor heating vents? Get a couple of feet of fiberglass window screen fabric and put a piece under each of the vents to catch the dropped stuff, along with dirt and leaves that get tracked in. Remove the vents, lay the screen fabric down, replace the vents and trim the excess screening. Just vacuum to clean the screen.
- During the summer… when you’re not using the furnace… cover floor vents with with a sheet of magnetized vinyl cut to size. The material is available at craft stores and sign shops and can be spray painted a color to match the interior of your rig.
- Our fifth wheel has two entry doors with separate keys. To tell the difference I just removed the plastic cap from the rear door key. The plastic cap on the front door key… the one we use most… makes it easier to find on my key ring. The rear door key is on the same ring next to the front door key so it’s easy to find too.
- If you have more than one key for your outside compartments paint the keys different colors and put a dab of paint on each lock that matches the key.
- To keep the soap from sliding of the shelf in the shower clean the shelf of all soap residue and dry thoroughly. Then apply several small dabs of silicon caulk to the front edge of the shelf. You don’t want a continuos bead because water needs to have a way to drain off the shelf.
- In bad weather, the power cord and water hose can get pretty muddy and stowing them away when breaking camp can get be a dirty job. A good terrycloth rag helps when coiling them for storage but you may want to consider using an oven mitt or car polishing mitt instead.
- If you use your RV much you no doubt visit a laundromat from time to time. Many lists of tips suggest 35mm film canisters make good storage containers for quarters. But these days film canisters are harder to find than film cameras. We’ve been using the flip-top tubes from mini M&M candies. Buy the large size tube, enjoy the candy, and you can collect enough quarters for the biggest laundry day.
- A five gallon bucket makes a good storage container for your sewer hose. You can store a 10 foot hose with fittings by coiling the hose with the fittings in the center of the coil.
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