Reflective Vest Keeps RVer Safe at Night

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Contributed by RVbasics Yahoo Group member:
On the few occasions I drive the rig at night, I have a reflective lime green safety vest I wear if I have to get out of the rig along the road. I was driving early one morning and came to a low 12 foot trestle before I realized it and had to back out, which meant I had to unhook my car first and back that up, then back up the unit. One person actually told me he was glad I was wearing that vest, as he first saw me from over a hundred yards back and knew something was up. The vest came from Home Depot for about seven bucks.

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One Response to "Reflective Vest Keeps RVer Safe at Night"

  1. Hello,
    We are gearing up for this summer, a little trip to the coast. I will for sure get a vest from my son who works for a place that gives them out for free. Thanks for the tip.


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