Last updated on September 12th, 2016 at 04:43 pm
One of the members of the RVbasics email group wrote that her microwave oven had died and asked the group if she could get a new one that would fit at a local store or if it had to be a special RV model.
The consensus of the replies was any microwave that will fit in the space and her budget would be fine. Some work on the trim molding may be needed be easily accomplished. One member suggested replacing the microwave with a combination microwave/convection oven.
Another member, New York Jim, wrote:
“My microwave died on me two winters ago while I was camping out in Texas for the winter.
I was about to buy another one when I decided to remove it and take the outer case off. I noticed a fuse that was burnt out. I took the fuse to the local Radio Shack and found a replacement fuse. I replaced the fuse and the microwave and been working just fine since.
Not sure if it would be the same for you, just thought I’d mention my microwave fix.
I, too, have replaced a blown fuse in a microwave with the same result. The outer case is usually easy to remove and the fuse should be in plain sight and easily removed as well. Do I have to say… make sure the unit is unplugged from power.
Naturally, if you are not comfortable poking around inside home appliances you shouldn’t attempt this repair. Also, if the new fuse blows immediately after startup the oven should probably be replaced.

The microwave problem could also be the starting capacitor… another inexpensive, simple fix.
I messed up and plugged my RV into a 220 outlet instead of a 120 and burned out the converter. I replaced it and the only thing not working is the microwave. I get power to the plug but nothing to the microwave. It is a Samsung and they no longer make RV microwaves. I checked the fuse in the front behind the control panel and it is still checks good. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. You could email me at, len71341@yahoo.com
I have a Samsung microwave in my motor home . The mounting bracket is like a trim around the outside of it and it has broken . Does anyone know where to get a replacement
There is a good chance the mounting bracket is not Samsung but something the RV manufacturer installed to secure and frame the microwave. The first source to check is the RV maker. If they are still in business they may be able to supply one. Take a photo and email it to RV salvage companies ( http://rvbasics.com/techtips/rv-salvage-replacement-parts.html) to see if they can supply one. Consider an alternative mount with a compatible trim piece.
My rv microwave/convection oven runs for 1 minute and then stops..any suggestions
I need to know how to get my microwave out it is a Dometic model DOTR12CBIV the camper is a 2006 Americamp T329RLS
I cannot give you specific instructions because RV manufacturers can get pretty creative when installing microwaves. Generally, though, there is usually some sort of vent at the top and/or bottom of the unit. Usually, there are visible screws that attach the vent to the cabinet. The vent(s) are almost always attached to the microwave and are what secure the unit to the cabinet. By removing the screws, you can pull the microwave out. Be prepared to reach inside the cabinet and pull the power cord loose from the outlet.
If you cannot see any screws on the face of the cabinet, then look for screws on the underside of the cabinet.
In some cases, you may have to remove wood or metal trim from around the microwave to get access to brackets that secure the unit.
By the way, if you need a new microwave but cannot find an exact size replacement, look for one slightly smaller and add extra or new trim to enclose it. A slightly larger unit may work too, but make sure you still have sufficient vent space and you will be able to trim it out.
My microwave constantly flashes from 100 to 80. I tried unplugging it , waiting a half an hour and plu gging it back in with the same results. Needless to say none of the functions work.
My first thought would be a problem with the keypad. But it could be door switch interlocks or the microprocessor.
Microwave powers up, lights, carousel and it seems everything works but no heat whether or the microwave setting or confection.
Any ideas as to what I should check
My diagnistic abilities are limited to broken switches and blown fueses. Sorry, buy I cannot diagnose electrinic circuits.
My microwave light up . When open the door the light comes on but when u push the button (any buttons) it does nothing
Inside most microwave ovens is a fuse. Most likely it’s blown.