- Clean your RV from the top down so that you’re following the direction of gravity. If you can, clean the roof too so that dirt doesn’t run down the sides during rain and heavy dew.
- WD-40 serves as an alternative to commercial bug & tar remover on the oily road buildup that accumulates on the lower panels of your RV. Wash the RV as usual after application.
- To clean tough spots on your windows, wipe down with rubbing alcohol, allow to dry, then clean as usual.
- Renew your windshield wiper blades by cleaning with a low-abrasion scouring powder then wiping them with rubbing alcohol. Makes the wipers last longer and stops them from streaking.
- A child’s wax crayon, close to the same color, makes an effective repair to tiny scratches on your paint. Rub the crayon over the scratch, then buff smooth with a clean cloth.
Get more RV care & maintenance info at RVbasics.com