An RVbasics Yahoo Group member post this question:
I had company over this weekend and they stayed in my camper. Friday night everything was fine Saturday night the furnace quit. We checked the propane, changed to the full one, still no good. Went to be back and opened the side panel for the furnace pushed the reset and she started back. We thought we had it except when it came up to temperature we had to do the same thing again. I suspect some type of sensor. The furnace is a HydroFlame in a 1989 King of the Road 31′ TT. Any help appreciated.
Here’s my answer:
I had a similar problem with my Hydroflame RV furnace. We are full timers so our furnace runs frequently. One day the circuit breaker tripped. I reset it and din’t think much about it. Over time the breaker trips became more frequent until I could’t rely in the furnace to run for more that a few hours. The hast straw was when it tripped in the middle of a very cold night.

I told my RV tech about it. He ask if the fan motor was making any noise. I replied that I had heard some kind of noise but it wasn’t so bad I could blame on the motor. He said whenever the bearings in the fan motor get bad it puts extra load on the motor and it draws more amps and trips the circuit breaker. Every time the breaker trips it gets weaker which just makes the problem worse.
He didn’t have the motor or new breaker in stock so I would have to wait a few days. He advised me to remove the connectors from the breaker and connect them to a regular 30 amp fuse. The furnace ran fine during the few days I waited for the new motor and circuit breaker to arrive.
I’m not saying you have the same problem but if the furnace is the original 1989 unit it’s a good bet. Try the fuse or get a new circuit breaker.