Last updated on April 27th, 2009 at 06:58 pm
1. Re-insure Your Rig. The bottom line? If you plan on crossing the border in your own RV, you need to get Mexico RV insurance. In the event of an accident, you probably won’t be covered by your regular U.S. policy. Check with your insurance company to see if it offers a pre-approved policy in Mexico or special add-ons that will cover you within a certain mileage from the border.
2. Know the Law. In Mexico, a vehicle accident is seen as a criminal offense, and until it is determined who is at fault and whether a penalty can be paid, you could be detained in jail. Check with your insurance company to make sure they will cover bail costs so that you aren’t detained longer than absolutely necessary.
3. Stay With Your RV. Mexican law states that a vehicle must either be driven by the owner, or the owner must be in the vehicle. If the owner is not present, the vehicle will be seized by customs and not returned under any circumstances. If your name is on the title, stay with the RV at all times.
4. Plan Ahead. Know how long you will be in the country in advance. Give yourself some extra leeway in the event an accident occurs and an extended stay is unavoidable. In addition, register with the embassy, so they are aware of your presence and your whereabouts.
5. Study Up. Read your new RV insurance policy in detail and note the responsibilities you have in case of an accident or loss. Keep a copy of the policy in the vehicle at all times, and always carry your driver’s license, as well – it’s valid in Mexico.
Tips provided by GMAC Insurance. GMAC works with approved Mexican insurance companies ABA Seguros and IIG to ensure that RV customers can purchase mandatory liability coverage and coverage for theft and damage to their vehicle in Mexico.
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