Last updated on April 27th, 2009 at 06:52 pm
RVers are pretty well equipped to cope with emergencies. After all, we have most everything we need right in our RVs. Unless we’re directly effected, we could survive natural disasters for a few days. Given enough warning, we can even drive to safety.
But what about when you’re away from your RV? For many RVers a big part of the RVing lifestyle is taking day-trips in the towed or tow vehicle.
We’ve all heard stories of people getting lost or stuck on some out of the way road. Sometimes they’re found or otherwise make their way to safety. But sometimes they’re found too late. Often what makes the difference is what’s in the vehicle those stranded can use to keep warm, hydrated and nourished.
Less life threatening, but still a concern, is simply getting stuck in a traffic jam. Just this winter, here in California, travelers have gotten stuck as a blizzard closed Interstate 80 over the Sierra Mountains. Travelers were also delayed when Interstate 5 was closed because of flash floods. In both cases delays lasted several hours.
Be prepared for unexpected emergencies by packing an emergency kit. Most emergency kits include items such as flashlights, matches, jumper cables, road flares, a pocket knife, duct tape, and a fire extinguisher but, depending on the weather in your location, and the type of day trip you are planning, here are some things you should also pack:
- A Good First Aid kit and the instructions for First Aid
- Prescription medicines and a list of the information and dosages.
- AM/FM Weather Radio with extra batteries or even a wind-up type radio.
- A whistle or an air horn – three short blasts is the recognized signal for help.
- Cash, coins.
- Eye protection or glasses and sunglasses.
- Laminated info card containing contact phone numbers, clinics, schools, out-of-state contacts, coded passwords and safe combinations.
- Computer thumb drive with personal information
- Water purification tablets
You should consider packing these items:
- Bottled water–at least 4 litres per person
- Canned food, can opener or Leatherman, or Swiss Army knife
- Dried fruit, energy bar, cookies, crackers
- Outdoor clothing and backpacks
- Emergency “space” blankets
- Seatbelt cutter
- Waterproof matches stored in waterproof container.
- Candles in a metal container. Candles will melt on hot days, store them upright.
- Toilet tissue, moist baby wipes, paper towels, stored in plastic ziplock bags.
- Map of the area
- Pen, pencil, and paper, sticky notes – use the sticky notes if you leave the car. Note your intentions as to where your are going and which direction. Place the note on the inside of the car window reading out.
- Something to occupy you/children. An example would be playing cards or small books, etc.
- Hat and knit cap
- Good worn-in walking shoes, moleskin, and excellent socks
- Warm sweaters and rain ponchos
- Short rubber hose for siphoning
- Extra fuses for car
- Bright bandannas
- Pet supplies and information – copy of license copy and vaccination information
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