Last updated on March 1st, 2009 at 02:26 am
After all the years we have lived and traveled together, Steven knew I didn’t have a coffee maker that required filters, so of course he asked about the filters as I unpacked grocery bags one day.
“I’ve seen many suggestions for alternate uses of these filters and I decided to try a few before passing them along as tips,” I told him.
They are lint free and very light… great for many uses in an RV. I got my supply of filters, the kind with the flat bottoms and two and a quarter inch sides, for 99 cents (plus tax, of course). Here are some handy tips for using them.
- First thing I tried, as I sat contemplating, was to clean my glasses. Perfect size and did a great job of it.
- I use the mirror in my bathroom to make notes with a dry erase pen. The filter cleaned off the old notes quickly and efficiently.
- Folded in half, and half again, the triangle that is formed can be used to gently clean the dust from a computer screen.
- The filters make great covers for dishes when cooking or reheating in a microwave.
- Cork pieces in your wine bottle? Pour the wine through a coffee filter to remove the cork chunks.
- A filter in the bottom of a pot you are planting will permit water to drain while it keeps the soil from exiting.
- Poke the stick of a popsicle through a filter or put one around the stick and fluff it out a bit to catch drippings and keep your kid or grandkid sticky-free.
- When putting away a cast iron skillet put a filter in it to prevent rust by absorbing any remaining moisture.
- Line a sieve or strainer with a coffee filter and pour frying oil through it for recycling.
- Use a handy coffee filter on your kitchen scale when weighing chopped foods.
- A great dauber for razor nicks. Stash a few in the bathroom.
- Use several for thicker absorbing on a plate beneath bacon or fries to soak up the grease.
- A filter makes a good holder for tacos, burritos, juicy sandwiches or wraps.
- A couple filters between stacked dishes and cups will protect your china on the road.
- Share popcorn with the whole family in filter bowls for everyone.
- Make a spice or herb pouch with a filter with a tied top for soup or stew flavoring.
- Put garlic cloves in a filter and twist the top. Heat it in the microwave for 10 or 15 seconds to make them peel easier when skins split.
- A coffee filter bundled around fresh bay leaves and tied up to make little pouches can be placed on pantry shelves to drive away bugs. They don’t tolerate the smell of the leaves.
- Place a filter over the flash on a camera to diffuse the harsh light on a baby’s eyes.
- Use a filter as a good throw-away applicator for shoe polish, silver polish, filler for scratches or scrapes on furniture.
- Give toddlers treats …cookies, crackers, dry cereal, raisins, M & Ms, etc. …in a coffee filter that is easier to hold onto with tiny hands.
The First portion shares mega tips of ‘How-to Pack’ so EVERYTHING STAYS IN PLACE during transit.
This E-Book does NOT suggest what to pack. HOWEVER it DOES deal with HOW TO FIND SPACE for what you have on board. Informative tips, hints and ideas include our personal favorite PLUS much-loved suggestions from those we met along the way.
Based on 20-years of fulltiming, continually moving from place to place, the RV Packing, RV Life Lessons and Easy Living Hints E-Book can help you avoid costly mistakes Click to Get More Info