Gypsies. They’re out there seeking victims. There are thousands of criminal “families” that practice all the con games known to man. These are the same people that do roofing, driveway surfacing and too many more scams to list. Their activities have been described in books, on TV, in many magazine and newspaper articles.
They also victimize RV buyers. They buy sub-standard RVs direct from factories and peddle them. No dealer will ever honor the warranty papers from these crooks.
You will sometimes find them in RV parks, often towing the trailer with a ‘work’ truck used in their other scams. The trailer will usually be nearly new but not a well-known brand and have a ‘for sale’ sign on it.
They will be charming as con artists usually are and they’ll have wives and children, who are part of the con. They will always have a good story to tell you about why they are desperate to sell. BE CAREFUL!
Les Doll’s Used RV Buyer’s Guide With this guide you will learn exactly what to look for and especially what to look out for when shopping for a used RV. The very best time to discover the faults of an RV is before you buy it!
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One other thing we have been warned about is they travel in groups with an advance team that will prepay large amounts in cash. Honestly, I thought Gypsies were people of fables and no longer a community. I guess there is always something to be learned.