Veteran RVer Jim Foreman offers these helpful tips for buying a used RV:
- As you step inside, take a good sniff for smells like mold and mildew. Unfortunately cigarette smoke tends to mask these odors.
- Walk around as close to outside walls as possible feeling for soft or springy spots in the floor which can indicate water leak damage. Using a good flashlight, look along the bottom of exterior walls for signs of water damage in the trim; water stained spots, wrinkles, plywood separations and streaks of mold. Look especially in corners, under windows, inside cabinets and under beds. Check the ceiling for water stains around all vents, skylights and roof air conditioners.
- Check in all outside storage bins for water damage.
- Rap on the bottom of the overhang on 5th wheels and cabovers on campers. A dead sound is cause for suspicion and needs further checking.
- Remove a screw or two in suspect areas and check for rust which would indicate leakage.
- Check for hail damage, by looking at a the exterior walls at a very low angle to see damage in the reflection. Just a little hail damage can thousands to repair. In many cases people will collect for hail damage and pocket the money and never have it repaired. That can cause a problem in the future because pre-existing hail damage will be deducted in the case of additional damage later on. An insurance adjuster can tell fresh from old hail damage.
- Walk off several steps and look for wrinkles or bulges in the sides which would indicate structural damage. Pay special attention to the areas around the wheels, rear bumper and hitch.
Get more tips for buying a used RV with Les Doll’s Used RV Buyer’s Guide With this guide you will learn exactly what to look for and especially what to look out for when shopping for a used RV. The very best time to discover the faults of an RV is before you buy it! Click Here!

When we bought our 1st RV we didn’t know any of this, although it was pretty obvious that there was water damage. We got a great deal on a HUGE trailer but in the end it turned out to be too big for us anyway (35ft!).
Great tips! Buyer beware! 😀